Latest results from the courts

News from the courts.News from the courts.
News from the courts.
The latest results from the magistrates' courts in Bedlington and Berwick.

An Amble man has been disqualified from driving after injuring a woman and failing to report the accident.

Ryan Davison, 22, of Queen Street, pleaded guilty to the offence, which happened on February 11 at Widdrington.

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He was the driver of a SEAT Ibiza when he caused injury to Ann Cavanagh.

Davison failed to stop and he did not report the accident within 24 hours. He also admitted to driving without due care and attention.

He was disqualified from driving for nine months, must complete 150 hours of unpaid work within the next year and pay £170 in costs.

○ An Alnwick woman has been ordered to pay £700 in compensation after damaging £1,400 of property.

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Lily Nicholson, 20, of Green Batt, pleaded guilty to damaging bathroom furniture, fixtures and fittings, on January 18, which belonged to Andrew Cheeseman.

Nicholson was discharged conditionally for 12 months.

○ A Wooler man has admitted being drunk and disorderly in Tweedmouth.

Scott Gibson, currently living at Weetwood Avenue, pleaded guilty to the offence.

The court heard that police were called to Main Street, in Tweedmouth, on February 6 after concerns were raised about a man near Foulis takeaway shop.

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The defendant was abusive to police when they arrived and members of the public were getting distressed.

He was given a conditional discharge for six months and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £20 surcharge.

○ Simon Cherry, 39, of Millside, Morpeth, pleaded guilty to breaching the terms of a non-molestation order.

He must complete 120 hours of unpaid work within the next 12 months and pay £170 in costs.

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