Warkworth Parish Council round-up: Erosion, toilets, drains and trees

The seat and the bankside erosion in Warkworth.The seat and the bankside erosion in Warkworth.
The seat and the bankside erosion in Warkworth.
A seat is to be moved on safety grounds after concerns about the erosion of the bank on which it is sited.

The parish council has written to landowner Northumberland Estates about the issue and is awaiting a response.

Concerns have also been raised about an exposed pipe in the area. Northumbrian Water and the Environment Agency will be contacted about both issues.

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• Talks are to take place about keeping both public toilets in Warkworth open next winter. The cost for each site is £2,000, but parish council chairman Jeff Watson said he will try to negotiate a discount when he meets the relevant county-council officer. Coun Sally Black feels the You’re Welcome scheme ‘hasn’t worked very well’ and councillors agreed it was vital to have the Brewery Lane and Beach Road toilets open all year.

• Concerns have been raised about a car which is ‘parking habitually’ on the pavement along South Road, blocking the path. The parish council will write to the owner and politely state that if it persists, the police will be contacted.

• Coun John Lilley reiterated his concerns about the state of the village’s drains, following his complaints at last month’s meeting. He said: “A lot of the drains are bunged up in the pipes – they are silted up completely.”

• Coun Black has urged Cussins to plant trees at its Morwick Gardens development to ‘soften the houses’. She said it currently looks like the Berlin Wall.

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