Environment Agency recommends continued protection for trout and salmon in Northumberland tidal waters

Leaping salmon.Leaping salmon.
Leaping salmon.
The Environment Agency is recommending continued protection for salmon and sea trout in tidal waters from Berwick to the mouth of the Humber estuary.

The decision sets out a recommendation to introduce a new ten-year Net Limitation Order (NLO) to replace the existing one when it expires in December.

It is based on scientific evidence around the impact of the net fishery, alongside consultation responses, and aims to balance the needs of conservation with those of the local economy.

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If approved by the Secretary of State for the Environment, the new NLO will allow those who already have a licence to continue to fish for trout but no new licences will be granted.

This will ensure the net fishery reduces in size and increases the necessary protections for fish stocks, without economically impacting existing licensees or coastal communities.

Net fishing for salmon will remain illegal.

Jon Shelley, Environment Agency senior fisheries specialist, said: “The decline in the numbers of both salmon and sea trout is of great concern and we are determined to protect the future of these important species.

“Having carefully considered the available evidence, this action will help as many fish as possible return to waters across Yorkshire and the North East over time, without impacting those whose livelihoods currently rely on it.

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“Every fish returned safely to our rivers could lead to improved numbers of adult salmon and sea trout spawning, helping to contribute to a reversal in the current decline of salmon and sea trout.”

Comments can be made by email or in writing to Defra by November 25.